Friday, May 12, 2006

The Becker-Posner Blog: The Gasoline Price Spike: Another Nonissue--Posner

The Becker-Posner Blog: The Gasoline Price Spike: Another Nonissue--Posner

Posner, in almost a thought spew, makes the case why an increase in gasoline prices is good. Not surprisingly I agree, for all the reasons Posner articulated. It's worth a read.

Indeed a good read, sir. Thank you for passing this article along.
While you're reading, sir, might I assume that you're enjoying the Stanley Cup finals since you're such a hockeyball fan? (Note: It has ball in the name now, so it's a real sport.) You also have the World Soccerball championships happening, along with the NBA basketball finals. You must be in seventh heaven!
They're playing the Stanley Cup this year? Is this an every other year thing now?
Hockey is about to start again. Do you blog only during the hockey season? You haven't been here since the Stanley Cup finals!
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