Friday, May 12, 2006

The Becker-Posner Blog: The Gasoline Price Spike: Another Nonissue--Posner

The Becker-Posner Blog: The Gasoline Price Spike: Another Nonissue--Posner

Posner, in almost a thought spew, makes the case why an increase in gasoline prices is good. Not surprisingly I agree, for all the reasons Posner articulated. It's worth a read.

Data on Phone Calls Monitored

Data on Phone Calls Monitored

I just want to say I'm shocked and surprised that the government would attempt to track every phone call made by every American citizen in this country.

I would never have thought that such a thing could happen.

Okay now that I got that piece of sarcasm out of the way.

The Washington Post story gives the particulars detailing the outrage by some members of Congress. However, an ABC news poll indicates that 66-percent of Americans approve of such tracking. All I can say is that we're becoming a nation of scared sheep.

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