Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Seattle Times: Sports: Pac-10 to investigate family residence of Reggie Bush

The Seattle Times: Sports: Pac-10 to investigate family residence of Reggie Bush

NCAA college athletics, yes the activity designed to build character and strength, the noble institution of young people playing their hearts out for the glory of their schools, the roar of hyped up crowds, and for $757,000 homes.

Uh, $757,000 homes...? Can't be. But yes it appears so. The Miami Herald and the Associated Press penned a story suggesting that the University of Southern California's Heisman Trophy winner, Reggie Bush's family lived a $757,000 home in Spring Valley California during his Junior year at USC. Now for those of you outside of California, a $757,000 home is not a palatial estate, in Cali $757,000 would get you a decent 3 bedroom 2 bath home in a decent neighborhood in Berkeley. Yet in any part of the country free rent on a $757,000 home is nothing to sneeze at.

The home apparently is owned by an individual named Michael Michaels, who coincidentally was "planning to form a marketing and contract agency that would feature Reggie Bush as a client". I'm sure the plans to form a marketing company anchored by Bush had nothing to do with the rent free residence...but I've been wrong before.

After having this arrangement exposed in the press, USC has forwarded the matter to the Pac-10 for investigation. The NCAA is "likely" to conduct an investigation as well. I'm shocked and nonplused. Money and payola tied to self interest? In college sports? Can't be happening. Well at least Reggie is going to hit paydirt after the draft. You'd hate to see his family put out on the street. Although mysteriously, since the story broke a moving van has uh...picked up all the furniture and moved it out of the house.

I just love college sports. It's just much more pure than the Professional leagues.

This is why hockey rules, dude. We already expect these types of things. College sports are not as pure as you'd like to believe. And that's why hockey rules.

You are you rooting for in the Stanley Cup playoffs?
As you already know, or should know, I consider college sports to be an abomination.

As for hockey, are you sure they didn't cancel the Stanley Cup again this year. I haven't heard anything about it.
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