Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The Washington Monthly-Losing the War
The Washington Monthly
A Kevin Drum blog on an article by LA Times columnist Max Boot, (free registration required). Boot's take? the war is going badly and Bush needs to clean house and step up the military campaign to regain control.
Drum's response? Bush is a clown and no one seriously expects him to fire Rumsfeld, exile Cheney and substantially increase the number of troops in Iraq. Given that, the Drum asks, "why continue to support [the war]?
A Kevin Drum blog on an article by LA Times columnist Max Boot, (free registration required). Boot's take? the war is going badly and Bush needs to clean house and step up the military campaign to regain control.
Drum's response? Bush is a clown and no one seriously expects him to fire Rumsfeld, exile Cheney and substantially increase the number of troops in Iraq. Given that, the Drum asks, "why continue to support [the war]?
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I apologize to the poster who posted hockey rules!!! for some strange reason i couldn't post a comment to your comment and was finally forced to delete your comment to see if that eliminated the problem.
But on that note, with respect to hockey rules comment: saying hockey rules in a blog that is discussing Bush's faltering presidency. I can understand why bush supporters like the anonymous hockey rules, would want to change the subject of the discussion. Given the deficits, given the failed social security proposal, given the abandonment by well known conservatives like george will, bill buckley, francis fukuyama, bruce bartlett, peggy noonan, john derbyshire and andrew sullivan, that Bush supporters, would throw out any diversionary tactics, alas, even posts that say "hockey rules", to change the tone and tenor of the debate.
Rather than bite on this obvious ploy, rather than talk about the emptiness of hockey, the boredom, the game play on cold hard ice, the weird rules, the silliness of "penalty boxes", the influence of canadians, and now, alas, the use of desperate bush supporters to change the nature of the debate...i will ignore this since deleted post.
I will not be deterred from speaking out. nosireebob.
But on that note, with respect to hockey rules comment: saying hockey rules in a blog that is discussing Bush's faltering presidency. I can understand why bush supporters like the anonymous hockey rules, would want to change the subject of the discussion. Given the deficits, given the failed social security proposal, given the abandonment by well known conservatives like george will, bill buckley, francis fukuyama, bruce bartlett, peggy noonan, john derbyshire and andrew sullivan, that Bush supporters, would throw out any diversionary tactics, alas, even posts that say "hockey rules", to change the tone and tenor of the debate.
Rather than bite on this obvious ploy, rather than talk about the emptiness of hockey, the boredom, the game play on cold hard ice, the weird rules, the silliness of "penalty boxes", the influence of canadians, and now, alas, the use of desperate bush supporters to change the nature of the debate...i will ignore this since deleted post.
I will not be deterred from speaking out. nosireebob.
Interesting answer. May I point out, however, that a hockey fan does not a Bush supporter make. Interesting that you linked the two.
On the subject of speaking out...what's your take on people showing up at funerals to protest the war? Do you think it's proper for a group of protestors who are totally unrelated to the family, to show up at a funeral and protest the war while the family is trying to grieve their loss of someone who was killed in the war?
On the subject of speaking out...what's your take on people showing up at funerals to protest the war? Do you think it's proper for a group of protestors who are totally unrelated to the family, to show up at a funeral and protest the war while the family is trying to grieve their loss of someone who was killed in the war?
You can delete my posts (even if by accident) and I will continue to speak out as well, yessireebob!
You can delete my posts (even if by accident) and I will continue to speak out as well, yessireebob!
Come George Bush and hockey were made for each other.
As for protesters showing up at funerals. I think crashing a funeral defines bad taste. I'm opposed. I can't conceive of why anyone would torment a family in grief.
As for protesters showing up at funerals. I think crashing a funeral defines bad taste. I'm opposed. I can't conceive of why anyone would torment a family in grief.
Sir, you might not like hockey (if the previous threads truly reflect your views), but that was an honorable answer about protestors at funerals. Hats off to ya, mate!
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