Tuesday, March 21, 2006

TheStar.com - How to spot a baby conservative

TheStar.com - How to spot a baby conservative

Okay, I'll admit that I'm a bit dubious about the analysis, and that I think this study might be a bit biased, coming from Berkeley and all...but I think this is just a bit too much potential for mischief not to comment on this.

The basic premise is that the "whinny, insecure kid[s] in nursery school, the one[s] who always thought everyone was out to get [them], and [were] always running to [their] teacher[s] with complaints?" tend to grow up to be conservatives.

There you have it. It explains volumes. For instance, it explains the huge conservative assault on day care. Conservatives, reminded of the difficult times they had when they were forced to leave mommy and deal with all the other kids who were "out to get them", just can't get past the trauma of that experience. They want to punish day care operators and gain symbolic retribution against their own mummies by essentially calling women who send their children to day care lazy parents.

It explains President Bush. WMD are everywhere, Saddam is out to kill us all. Unbridled paranoia channeled from his day care experiences.

It explains Dick "shoot 'em in the face" Cheney. If you don't fire first the quail will screw you all the time.

Oh and if Donald Rumsfeld doesn't have that picked on little kid overcompensation shtick going, who does?

These are all guys out to prove that they still aren't that whinny little kid anymore. Paranoid, whinny, ridged ideologues who first defense is to shoot first, analyze later.

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