Saturday, March 18, 2006

Big Love

Pundits, apparently tiring of the gay marriage debate, have now turned their eyes on polygamy. The catalyst is an HBO series entitled "Big Love" which follows the life and stress of the average, everyday Utah polygamist. Those on the the far right have raised their typically hysterical voices in opposition to this television program, claiming that it promotes the polygamist lifestyle. However, after watching this program, I would say that anyone who believes this program glamorizes polygamy needs to have their head examined. The beleagured husband, portrayed by actor Bill Paxton, seems harried, burdened and overwhelmed by the responsibility of meeting the needs, financial, emotional and sexual of three wives. He's popping viagra, he's begging for cash from the one wife that works, and he's doing drive by parenting for his children. It's not an enviable situation. I will admit that while I love women the idea of being married to more than one of them at the same time would in my opinion be a sure path toward suicide. Watch this show the moral character of our nation depends on it.

But wouldn't you want more than one Pam:
More than one pam could be hazzardous to one's life. I'm happy with one.
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