Thursday, March 02, 2006

Another Conservative Pundit Abandons Iraq

The Corner on National Review Online

What has been interesting the last few weeks is the addition of conservative pundits to the ranks of those who believe that President Bush's Iraq policy has failed. So far I have mentioned William F. Buckley, George F. Will and Francis Fukuyama as conservatives who now view Bush's Iraq invasion as a policy failure. Today John Derbyshire, has joined their ranks:

Well, I'm with Bill Buckley and George Will. This pig's ear is never going to be made into a silk purse, not by any methods or expenditures the American people are willing to countenance. The only questions worth asking about Iraq at this point are: How does GWB get out of this with the least damage to US interests, and to his party's future prospects? I wish I had some answers.

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