Friday, February 24, 2006
The Dubai Effect - Conservatives in a Panic
The Corner on National Review Online
It seems that conservative bush supporters, in particular John Podhoretz from the National Review, are starting to panic about the impact of the Dubai port deal. The cause of the panic? Well it seems that democrats in congress have polled higher than the president on national security issues 43 to 41-percent. Also, the Dubai port deal is disfavored 64 to 17-percent. The defining quote: "If the White House doesn't handle this well in the next three days, the political consequences could be catastrophic."
Shades of Mel Brooks as Governor Le Petomane in Blazing Saddles "we got to protect our phoney-baloney jobs, gentlemen, we must do something about this immediately!"
It seems that conservative bush supporters, in particular John Podhoretz from the National Review, are starting to panic about the impact of the Dubai port deal. The cause of the panic? Well it seems that democrats in congress have polled higher than the president on national security issues 43 to 41-percent. Also, the Dubai port deal is disfavored 64 to 17-percent. The defining quote: "If the White House doesn't handle this well in the next three days, the political consequences could be catastrophic."
Shades of Mel Brooks as Governor Le Petomane in Blazing Saddles "we got to protect our phoney-baloney jobs, gentlemen, we must do something about this immediately!"