Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Bush Politically Manipulates Alternative Fuels Policy
Bush Continues Focus On Alternative Fuels
Okay I admit it, I'm cynical. So I'm not typically surprised by things this administration does, in broad daylight, with video cameras running. So I'm not surprised by this at all. However, I do think this does deserve some comment.
In summary, Bush's budget cuts force an alternative fuels research company to lay off 32 workers. However, spying a potential photo-op to show that Bush is serious about addressing our dependence on foreign oil, the administration discovers that the elimination of $5 million in funds for that program was an uh...mistake. Funding is restored just before he arrives for the big photo-op. The workers get their jobs back and all is right in the world. Of course the money was transferred from some other program. (to be nameless, probably care for poor children in New Orleans)
The moral of the story, if you're about to lose your jobs, propose a good photo-op for George W. Bush. He'll fix it for you.
Update: The President acknowledges that he's sent "mixed messages" about this program.
Okay I admit it, I'm cynical. So I'm not typically surprised by things this administration does, in broad daylight, with video cameras running. So I'm not surprised by this at all. However, I do think this does deserve some comment.
In summary, Bush's budget cuts force an alternative fuels research company to lay off 32 workers. However, spying a potential photo-op to show that Bush is serious about addressing our dependence on foreign oil, the administration discovers that the elimination of $5 million in funds for that program was an uh...mistake. Funding is restored just before he arrives for the big photo-op. The workers get their jobs back and all is right in the world. Of course the money was transferred from some other program. (to be nameless, probably care for poor children in New Orleans)
The moral of the story, if you're about to lose your jobs, propose a good photo-op for George W. Bush. He'll fix it for you.
Update: The President acknowledges that he's sent "mixed messages" about this program.
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At least he's finally admitting to mistakes. Baby steps.
But I'm more interested in the whole port thing. Bush brings us to war with a country that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks all under the guise of combatting terror...
BUT is willing to hand over the running of the Port of New York (among others) to the UAE, which had a couple of its citizens among the hijackers and has funded Al-Quaida.
Oh that's right. The UAE didn't embarrass his daddy like Iraq did.
But I'm more interested in the whole port thing. Bush brings us to war with a country that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks all under the guise of combatting terror...
BUT is willing to hand over the running of the Port of New York (among others) to the UAE, which had a couple of its citizens among the hijackers and has funded Al-Quaida.
Oh that's right. The UAE didn't embarrass his daddy like Iraq did.
Well, I wouldn't exactly call that an admission of a mistake. It's more like it being a photo-op that too good to pass up. Except that we cut the program.
As for the Port thing, I'm truly perplexed about what Bush was thinking. It makes no rational sense at all. Politically it's just plain stupid, it's almost as if he wants to punish the republicans in Congress. Security-wise it's troubling.
I guess Bush feels that the UAE, like the Saudis are people he can do business with. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to make the rest of us comofortable.
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As for the Port thing, I'm truly perplexed about what Bush was thinking. It makes no rational sense at all. Politically it's just plain stupid, it's almost as if he wants to punish the republicans in Congress. Security-wise it's troubling.
I guess Bush feels that the UAE, like the Saudis are people he can do business with. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to make the rest of us comofortable.
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