Saturday, November 22, 2008

Okay I'm trying this again

There has been quite a bit that has happened since I last posted here.  No not changes in my personal life, that's been rather stable, I'm still in Berkeley, I'm still married to the very same wonderful woman, and I am still working for the same employer.  I'm talking about changes in the political landscape.  

The United States, for the very first time, has elected a president that is not a white male.  Standing alone, that doesn't mean much, however, in the context of this country's rather complicated racial history, it is a truly extraordinary event.  The second and far more important thing, is that the country has elected a smart, reasonably cautious, competent, effective and inspiring leader.  After 8 years of George W. Bush, this can not be overestimated. 

The United States is back.  

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